We are looking for volunteers who are prepared to assist both in building the first clipper ship as well as people who are willing to give some time towards our management and organisation both during the build and after, when the Cutty Sark 2 will be operating.

How to become a Volunteer

The skill requirements are many and varied, from shipwrights and artworks through to office administration and catering. If you want to be part of this project, please complete the form below.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Country of residence (required)


Brief explaination of how you can assist and why you would like to become involved with the Cutty Sark 2Sail Foundation:

List of Opportunities

Currently we need you to help us in the following areas:

  • Website and printed artwok design
  • Website maintenance, operator (WordPress), programmer
  • Marketing, PR knowledge
  • Translators to any languages

Feel free to contact us in any area you are in, we will need you later hopefully.