Our company has been in the business of supplying, designing, developing, manufacturing, printing, selling since 1999. We have a solid background – even our phone number has remained unchanged.
We develop websites based on HTML, PHP, Mysql. We can create sites to provide an optimal viewing experience, easy reading and navigation, across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones), in other words, we build mobile friendly websites that are favoured by Google.
If required, we use the popular free open source publishing softwares, development frameworks and content management systems such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla as well as the professional online management softwares such as osCommerce, the tailored-to-your requirements modifications and expansion of which do not cause a problem for us.
A nice and modern looking website is not enough, it must perform well so that the future visitors can easily and quickly find it on the Internet; so that it will appear on the coverted 1st page of search results, that is, to be ranked higher by Google. Unfortunately good optimization and the mere existence of a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly website are not enough, paid campaigns and appropriate, targeted communication with good timing are also necessary to beat the competitors. These are possibilities website owners shall benefit from since these attract more visitors who mean potential clients, customers, who generate the income of the company.
Facebook, the popular social networking website and service provides a great communication channel for us to make our company as well as our featured products and services visible, however, we need to take significant care of the quality, content and timing of the campaigns and posts. It is possible to have hundreds of posts, share informal or formal content, collect irrelevant likes senselessly but it’s all pointless if they don’t result in the visitors actually buying your products.
The sole purpose of corporate websites and campaigns is to increase your profit.
Our web hosting runs in our Budapest data centre with continuous, 24/7 monitoring and non-stop system administration support, on up-to-date servers. High bandwidth is one of our service’s characteristics but we pay the greatest attention to is the continuous operation without any connection failures. As for website hosting, we work wonders simply with guaranteed reliability and fast speed.
If you are interested in our computer networking and trouble shooting services, please visit the website www.halozatepites.hu for more information.
A cheap and high-quality one stop shop
We print the will-be printed products (e.g.: book, business card, CD case, folder, pillow case, T-shirt, hat, etc.) by different methods according to the number of the copies needed.
In case of smaller quantity professional colour laser printing, for mass production offset printing or screen printing is the technology. For several items and uneven surfaces pad printing or thermal transfer printing is the solution.
We can print basically on anything.
CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs are either manufactured by injection moulding process (followed by metallisation after which a protective coating is applied to the disc) by the German CDA GmbH (even with full service package) or by our own automated machines. We offer ink-jet, screen and offset printing solutions.
We cannot forget about the fashionable vinyl record which we can manufacture, too.
You can find further information about these (price list, too) at www.cdnevjegy.hu. Visit the website, you won’t be disappointed – we make things you haven’t seen before.
Back then there was no such thing as digital world, which is proven by the existence of paper photos, VHS cassettes, cassette tapes, vinyl records whose play very often present difficulty – there is no device to play them on or the medium has faded, become scratchy, has been ruined. If it still can be used or played, we digitize it, that is, save it for the future.
You can check our digitizing solutions by clicking on www.netlabor.hu/digitalizalas.
Apart from the above mentioned, we manufacture foil, plastic sachets, cases, covers and sleeves needed for press materials, booklets, plus slip-in ones, even in special sizes. You can choose from the self-adhesive, sealable, punched, wear-in-the neck types.
Check our sleeve and cover manufacturing services at www.foliahegesztes.hu.
Planning, manufacturing and repairing of multicopters, planes, life (rescue) boats
There are devices with names of drone, UAV, multicopter, kvadrocopter, quadcopter, hexacopter, etc. that possess such automatisms and functions the help of which they become, from a toy, serious aircraft. Their usage requires routine and expertise, while their operation adequate professional knowledge.
We develop aerial and aquatic devices or modify existing ones to make them even more useful. We can, of course, fulfil special needs and accomplish special tasks.
The background is our several decade practice in modelling and the knowledge of electronic and software engineering.
Thanks to today’s system of microcontrollers we can quickly make robotics performing special tasks. There is a wide range of possibilities - Arduino, Raspberry PI, PIC, several ready-to-use modules and expandable ones.
We (can) use all of these types in the creation phase.
Manufacturing of prototypes, custom parts, components at a low price
3D printing using ABS and PLA
Construction of 3D prototypes, components
Manufacturing of 3D printers, customization
ABS and PLA filament
Our technologies and services cover all the aspects, tasks and phases of 3D printing so that you can get what you need from only one source, supplier. The printer we work with has been developed by us (netlabor) to get to know its operation, possibilities and limits. We also do the printing using the material best suitable for the needs. As for raw material, we prefer ABS which is primarily for industrial production to PLA which possess worse mechanical parameters and used for hobby.
We professionally plan the needed component based on a technical drawing or a sketch. Then the plan is, without any difficulty, converted into the format 3D printers require, that is, the product can be manufactured by any 3D printer.
Our printer has the same capacity as the widely used ones, but it can be expanded and customized.
We can provide our customers with filaments serving as raw material for 3D printers both in 1.75 mm and 3 mm in diameter. The thickness of the printing thread is the same in the total length of the roll and the cross-section keeps its form and size, which are of primary importance if you would like to print trouble proof and without bothering about constant halts.
You dream it, we realize it. Because we are creative.
Check our servicesHere’s what a few of our clients have said (in Hungarian only, sorry):
"Gyors és precíz munkát végeztek, köszönöm a hozzáállásukat."
"szuper az aláfestő zene. Köszönöm."
"Tökéletes felvilágosítás kiszolgálás és gyorsaság ! Köszönöm ! "
Szérűskert u. 29. Budapest, 1033 Hungary
GPS: N 47' 55,4194 E 19' 04,2339
Monday to Friday 10.00 - 18.00
Phone: +36 1 367 4288, +36 70 517 4795